︎Art work FOR “五感早餐實驗計畫” exhibition project
此展以五感來呈現台灣人最具特色的早餐文化・身為參展者之一,將傳統台灣早餐店餐點視覺符號化,讓來觀展的觀眾可以用符號點餐,於展場複印屬於一份自己的早餐,觀眾複印後的底紙設計上呈現早餐店的傳統顏色上選擇用了 #大亞紙業 的 #彩虹色紙 ,使其整份早餐成為平面設計對應五感計劃中視覺的角色。
This exhibition presents Taiwan’s unique breakfast culture through the five senses.
As one of the exhibitors, I transformed traditional Taiwanese breakfast items into visual symbols, allowing visitors to "order" their meals using these icons. At the exhibition, they can print their personalized breakfast set. The backing paper for the prints features the traditional colors of Taiwanese breakfast shops, using #Taiya Paper Industry's #Rainbow Colored Paper, making the entire breakfast set a visual representation within the five-senses design project.
|CL.-台北文創記憶中心、Plan B|E.-Benson