


Contact us _
📧 jyunccih.li@condenast.com.tw
💌 zoey810612@gmail.com

︎LI,jyunccih の︎title(&)link



Born in Taiwan, a graphic designer.

Her design fields include
book, magazines, brand (VI), MUSIC VIDEO title, and exhibition events.

at the end of 2018, she founded ladybug ,and  planned the "eyes on her: girls garphics”exhibition.

Recently, she has been working with partners to organize a "graphic room", trying to combine different individual designers into a team with a new attitude

Princess Jyunc-cih LI, a little island owner, has a unicorn cat that transmits electrical waves to mind-control the people. She prefers to stay at home and asks her unicorn cat to step some milk on her body.  Her tears instantly turn into the mint candy outflow from her eyes and become the daily food to nourish her people living on the islan.


生於台灣,平面設計師。設計範疇涵蓋 書籍裝幀、品牌視覺規劃、影像視覺字體字幕設計、藝文展覽活動主視覺平面設計。

2018年底發起ladybug projec拋出平面設計環境與女性議題的探討,隔年策劃「eyes on her:girls garphics 女子設計展」。近期與合作夥伴共同組織「平面室」,試圖以一個新型態去組合不同的個人設計師成為團隊。

2022入選Tatler Taiwan 2022 Gen. T Leader of Tomorrow,曾擔任第30、34屆金曲獎流行音樂技術類裝幀設計評審、10th金點概念設計獎評審、2023放視大賞_平面類評審,近期與合作夥伴共同組織「平面室」,試圖以一個新型態去組合不同的個人設計師成為團隊。

經手過知名藝人林憶蓮、張惠妹、炎亞綸等音樂錄影帶片頭與平面視覺設定;2O2O至2O23年《The Big Issue Taiwan》封面視覺設計;也曾參與總統府常設展視覺、衛武營專案等大型展演視覺設計。
