Traveling & Hugging

︎ POSTER DESIGN  FOR “Traveling & Hugging” exhibition project

Twelve creators from Taiwan and Japan explore their cities from a personal perspective, seeking the essence and emotions of urban life. Each selects the most representative objects of their city, assembling them into a "City Limited Package" (お土産) to exchange with one another. Finally, using the received packages as clues, they engage in an imaginative creation inspired by the journey through these cities.

12位創作者 × 11座城市 × 12份包裹,串連了兩塊⼟地的交流,揭開了⼀場想像旅⾏:台北/東京、新北/東京、新竹/京都、台中/靜岡、台南/靜岡、屏東/橫濱


|CL.“上陸許可 Traveling & Hugging — 台日旅行的想像”  exhibition
|AD. D.- Jyunccihli